WEEK 7 – Work Tool: builds a 2-principle approach to demonstrate the dynamic between character and skills  development in getting work and succeeding at it

Week 7
Work Tool
How to Build Integrity

Day 1:  Forge Your Character

Day 2: Foster Your Career

Day 3: Your Work Toolbox

Week 7
Day 1
Forge Your Character


Role Models


Which principle or illustration meant the most to you? Why?

Which role model did you most identify with? Why?

In what one transformative way can you apply FORGE YOUR CHARACTER to your life today?

Week 7
Foster Your Career

Using the FOSTER YOUR CAREER TOOL starts with you assessing your career trajectory.  You must ask yourself five probing questions: WHERE AM I NOW? WHERE DO I WANT TO BE? HOW WILL I GET THERE? WHAT MUST I DO? HOW AM I DOING?

1)“Where am I now?” represents your initial assessment,  forcing you to identify your strengths and weaknesses. Strengths are your capabilities that you use to further your progress. On the other hand, weaknesses are liabilities that act as barriers to your progress. Know your strengths and build on them. Know your weaknesses and curb them.

2)“Where do I want to be?” represents the most important step – your personal mission statement, compelling you to grasp your vision for the future, to make it plain, to write it down. This is more than your dream job; it is your career plan, the handwriting of your destiny. The key question is “What kind of work – more than anything else – do I want to spend the rest of my life doing?”

3)“How will I get there?” represents your strategic plan, helping you develop strategies to guide your progress. Strategies are the means, the ways, the detailed methods by which you achieve your goals. Strategies can be broad or narrow; the key is to formulate a set of priorities that you resolve to take every day to move you towards your personal and professional goals.

4)“What must I do?” represents your steps of implementation, summoning you to follow a daily plan of action. An action plan breathes life into your strategic plan, discussed in point #3. Establish a list of tasks for each day, but be realistic and practical: things you can do today. Be proactive, take the initiative, make things happen – to move your agenda; even if it’s just an inch, move it!

5)“How am I doing?” represents your review and analysis of the status of your dream job journey. Answering this question adds the accountability factor. You must periodically check on your progress, whether you’re moving forward, standing still, or losing ground. And remember – if you fail to make measurable progress in a reasonable time, be prepared to make substantial changes.

Week 7
Day 3
Your Work Toolbox

Which Work Tool is most important to you:



Rank them (1 = most important) as factors in your life. Make a commitment to apply this most important tool to your life everyday as well as the other one. Memorize these tools and keep thinking about how best to live them out. Remember – your inner journey to integrity is about keeping your turnovers, your self-induced obstacles, to a minimum. The critical point is this: your decisions and choices are not made in a moment in time, but they’re rooted in your character. If you have good character, you reflexively make productive choices. If you don’t, you risk making bad choices and destroying opportunities. Moreover, having good character will improve your job prospects. Employers are looking not only for skilled people, but for honest, punctual, reliable, hardworking people—people of integrity. Not having as much education, expertise, or skill as the next person may not be a disadvantage if you possess more integrity, because character adds value. Strive for a balance of character and career development—be both talented and trustworthy—and you’ll not only be a better person but your job opportunities will abound.

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