Disc 1: Introduction to Holistic Hardware

Vision Tool
Responsibility Tool
Self-Esteem Tool
Holistic Hardware Theme Music

Disc 2

Faith Tool
Discipline Tool
Association Tool
Planning Tool

Disc 3

Work Tool
Wealth Tool
Love Tool
Introduction to Job Skills
Conclusion to Holistic Hardware
Holistic Hardware Theme Music

Disc 4 (Data CD)

Leader’s Guide
The following materials are provided for each tool:

Leader’s Notes
Student’s Notes
Discussion Guide
Drama Discussion Guide
Quiz Answers

Additional Materials:

Certificate of Completion

My Commitment Statement

Song Lyrics

Getting Started Guide

Using the CD:

The CD contains all of the materials needed to successfully conduct a Holistic Hardware class. All of the documents are in a .pdf format (requiring Acrobat Reader to open). A free version of Adobe Acrobat Reader can be downloaded from www.adobe.com.

Insert the CD into the CD drive on your computer. The menu should automatically open.

If the menu does not automatically open, go to Start, select Run…, and click Browse. At the top of the Browse window, to the right of the space for Look in:, click the down arrow. Select My Computer. Locate the CD drive and select it. In the menu for the CD select START and click Open.

Note: it is highly recommended that before you begin, print the Leader’s Guide from the CD. Following the information and tips contained in the Leader’s Guide will help to make your Holistic Hardware sessions most successful.

Using the DVDs:

The DVDs contain all of the lessons for the ten Holistic Hardware tools. Each lesson contains testimonies, the teaching session by Joe Holland, and a drama to demonstrate the use of the tool. Each lesson can be run in its entirety, or you can select just the testimonies or drama from the menu.

Insert the DVD into your player and operate it like any movie DVD, where a menu appears and you select the Holistic Hardware lesson that you want to begin.

Thank you for selecting Holistic Hardware. We are glad that you are investing in the lives of others and that you have chosen this proven program to assist you.

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