Your Toolbox For Life/Traveling TTT /Special Promotion/Transformational Workshop

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Self-Esteem Tool – Building Self-Confidence Through Passion

If you’re passionate about something, you bring a positive energy to it – a spirit of enthusi-asm and dedication. Pursuing passion is the exciting part of your inner journey, where you search your mind and heart for those things that mean the most to you. Drudgery is the flipside of passion – gray shades instead of rainbow colors. If you approach work, school, family, even play as one big obligation . . . if everything is difficult, painful, a chore . . . if you’re just going through the motions of life . . . you need to ask yourself some penetrating questions: What do I most enjoy doing? Why? . . . What are my gifts? How do I best express them? . . . What activities make me feel the most enthused, ener-gized, dynamic? . . . What are the things that I would keep doing for the rest of my life even if I wasn’t getting paid? . . . Write down your answers. Make journaling part of your inner journey, turning the light of clarity on your passions. Meditate on your findings. Let them bring you in touch with those often hard-to-get-at thoughts and feelings about who you are at your deepest level, the values that matter to you the most, what you really want to do with your life, and you might unearth the spiritual stuff out of which greatness, excellence and genius is made. Emerson put it this way: Nothing great is ever achieved without enthusiasm. Your road to greatness is paved by being passionate about what you do, working hardest at the things you love, and feeling great about your-self!

The Touchstone Tools (“TTT”) traveled to the Caribbean island of St. Vincent where TTT author Joseph Holland recently conducted a 5-day workshop. He is pictured below with some of the workshop participants.

TTT is participating in a special promotion this month via Nonfiction Kindle Book Deals in the US marketplace. The book is being offered at 0.99 USD until 9/30/2017. You can access the promotion here:

Holland’s next workshop is in Harlem on 9/23/2017. See the flyer below for information.

You can find out more about TTT and related products and programs at:

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