The Power of an I AM Affirmation

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I returned to Ithaca High School on April 6th to facilitate Touchstone Tools for Teens (“TTTeens”) workshops in eight AVID classes throughout the school day. These workshops were the last in a series of events in a 2018-19 academic year TTTeens pilot involving Ithaca High School students in collaboration with Cornell University students.

The theme of the TTTeen workshops that day was the Self-Confidence Tool. The students were asked to write and then recite for the class an I AM AFFIRMATION at the climax of each workshop. One student wrote: I am a leader, goofy, energetic and kind and I will be the best me that I can possibly be. Another asserted: I am capable of making choices for myself to persevere through life and make a better future for myself and that no matter what I will always have myself and there is always another day to do better. A young man affirmed: I have a history of dealing with trying situations. I accept my shortcomings and I learn to develop my strengths as I become a capable, successful and fulfilled man. A succinct affirmation stated: I am my own person, I am unique, and I will not be affected by the world’s opinions. One of the most powerful affirmations shared these words: I am caring, charismatic, tenacious, intelligent, strong, honest, ME, and if I want to do something I can.

The Self-Confidence Tool is all about how you see yourself. You can’t value your life and be deserving of your dreams if you don’t value yourself and believe that you’re worthy of success. Don’t internalize the difficult realities of life that can bring down your self-worth, or fall prey to letting the opinions of others dictate how you see yourself. Instead, write down, then recite your own I AM AFFIRMATION; memorize it, proclaim it every day. This discipline will help you think in a more positive way — even a more powerful way — about yourself and your ability to handle whatever challenges lie before you.

You can find out more about about Touchstone Tools for Teens, Holistic Hardware and related products & programs at

Let’s keep making a difference,

Joseph Holland

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