Keynote at CFP Celebration

 In Newsletter

On Saturday evening February 9th, I attended the 20th anniversary celebration of Community Faith Partners (CFP) in Ithaca, NY and gave keynote remarks. The event revealed to me the many lives that CFP had touched over the years using my holistic tools, especially my life skills workshop Holistic Hardware (HH). HH was CFP’s very first initiative when the organization started in 1999. I’m standing below in front of the CFP retrospective, which featured HH right at the beginning of its 20-year timeline.I’ve been an unofficial advisor to CFP, so in  my talk that evening I offered the CFP supporters in attendance some unsolicited advice for the next 20 years and beyond.

(To see more photos from the CFP event, visit this link —

I counseled them to take 6 steps – the 6 P’s: be paradigmatic — a model for others to follow; be programmatic — strategic in uplifting those in need; be precise — document the details of organizational impact; be providential — prioritize God; be prayerful — keep interceding for CFP; be prophetic — think outside the box. To listen to my CFP remarks, visit this link —

Throughout the evening I was encouraged by the many who approached me to share testimonies about how they were using the holistic tools to empower their own lives as well as making a difference in the lives of others. One inspirational example was Patricia Pollock (She and I are pictured at right at the CFP event), who told me about her outreach to incarcerated women. She goes weekly into the local jail and uses Holistic Hardware to impart life skills to these women, helping to prepare them for successful re-entry. Stories like Patricia’s confirm the effectiveness of the holistic tools and have motivated me to innovate and extend the creative hardware to new groups. Touchstone Tools for Teens is one such application; you will be hearing more about it in future newsletters. CFP has some dynamic plans for the future.

Please visit the website ( for information and to find out ways you can support the organization. You can find out more about about Holistic Hardware, Touchstone Tools and related products & programs at

Let’s keep making a difference,

Joseph Holland

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