New Feature – Your Toolbox For Life & Upcoming Events

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The Touchstone Tools begins a new feature – Your Toolbox For Life, which imparts a monthly inspiration, launching with the following selection. Read it and be inspired to build a better you! . . . and a better world!

Vision Tool – Building Unassailable Dreams

It is human nature to dream, to see the glory of one’s future, to envision victories won, to imagine better times, to hope for brighter days. But difficulties, disappointments and doubters can darken, even dash your dreams.  Don’t allow adversity to turn your view of the future from positive to negative. Build unassailable dreams by taking these two steps, today and every day. Meditate on your dreams. Make some time, find a quiet place to envision what and where you want to be ten years from now, five years from now, one year from now, next month, next week, tomorrow. Never lose sight of the big picture for your life in the details of responsibility or drudgery of obligation. Make it literal if it helps: pull out an actual photograph, page torn from a magazine or inspirational saying to memorize. Motivate through your dreams. Do one thing today – at least one thing – that moves you closer to fulfilling your vision. Make some notes; do some research; visit someone of influence to expand your network; sing a stirring song. Langston Hughes once wrote: Hold fast to dreams; for without them, life is a broken-winged bird that cannot fly. Soar with your vision: let it inspire you to be better than you used to be, to be the best you can possibly be.


TTT author Joseph Holland will share the morning message at Reach Out For Christ Church ( in Freeville, NY on Sunday July 30th at 10:15.

Holland will conduct a TTT Empowerment Workshop on September 23, 2017

9 am – noon  at Bethel Gospel Assembly in Harlem.

You can find out more about TTT and related products and programs at:

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