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Responsibility Tool – Building Your Right Attitude

Attitude is a choice – your choice. You will be faced with situations today that you must respond to in some way. How will you respond when things don’t go your way? How you live out the answer to this question is determined by the attitude that you bring to life. If you react negatively to the disappointments, adversities and opposition that come into your life today – it is inevitable that they will come (if not today, they will be coming soon!) – your poor attitude will set you up for defeat and despair. But if you respond positively to the challenges, to what other people say or do, to unexpected circumstances that confront you – your excellent attitude will overcome the problems with salvoes of grace, wisdom, joy and peace.  You are in charge of how you respond – that’s your attitude. The Apostle Paul wrote: “You must have the same attitude that Christ Jesus had”. (Philippians 2:5). If you strive for this – choosing to respond with Christlike humility instead of self-assertiveness, servanthood instead of competitiveness, patience instead of gratification, love instead of hate – you will not only be building the right attitude for your life but also a better world.

The Touchstone Tools (“TTT”) author Joseph Holland recently shared the Sunday morning message at Reach Out For Christ Church ( in Freeville, NY – pictured below afterwards with Pastor Tom Miller.

Holland’s upcoming TTT Empowerment Workshop: 

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